Net Zero By Design - Our vision of a Zero Carbon Home and how we get there

Upgrade today’s homes with the efficiency and tools to retrofit to Net Zero
The urgency to deliver on Net Zero has never been felt more strongly than today. Here the UK electrotechnical manufacturing industry sets out a pathway for decarbonising UK homes by 2050. Time is not on our side. As the future energy infrastructure emerges our homes must be ready to connect to it. We have less than 30 years to make UK homes fit for the future. We must prepare 29 million existing homes and millions of new build properties to use energy in a different way.
In this report we set out the steps we can take today to future proof our housing for Net Zero and for the changes to fuel use that will take place close to 2050.
Download a copy of the report here
This report is supported by a family of white papers covering a more detailed analysis of the market requirements for different technologies and factors affecting the deployment of low carbon heat in buildings. Download these papers below.

Load and weather compensation controls - test report (2021)
Report on a series of tests to establish the energy savings from load and weather compensating room thermostats (class IV, V and VI.)