BEAMA were proud to be a part of Electrical Safety First‘s Electrical Installation Seminar this week.
Lord forster address the seminar, saying “Not only do we need to boost the pipeline of new recruits into the sector, but we must also recognise the need for up-skilling the existing workforce. With the development new ways of powering homes – such as the wider use of heat pumps and solar panels – and the impacts of other new technologies, we need to ensure both new and existing electricians are trained and capable of working with them.”
“There is clearly an urgent need for action in addressing the skills gap in relation to electricians to ensure, in respect of electrical installations, people’s homes are built and maintained safely.”
Another point touched upon was the transition to a Circular economy, and a growing second-hand market for electrical goods. To ensure these products are safe to use and installed correctly, comprehensive standards need to be put in place and we need to be clear on the reseller requirements and responsibility, and ensure consumers understand how to do their due diligence too.
You can find our slides, along with a transcript of the speech, below.