BEAMA launches the UK Electricity Products Supply Chain Council to facilitate cross industry and government collaboration on inward investment for UK energy supply chains
The UK Electricity Products Supply Chain Council launches today (7th September). Lead by BEAMA, with membership from across the energy and contracting sector and support from UK Government, this is an unprecedented platform for the supply chain of electrical equipment for the electricity transmission and distribution networks, and end use energy products market.

Never has it been more urgent to ensure the resilience of the UK energy sector, and with manufacturing capacity for key products set to increase tenfold to meet demands for Net Zero delivery we need collaboration and engagement with the new leadership in government to open pipelines of investment to secure the timely and cost-effective supply of equipment into the market.
Manufactures of energy technologies are facing mounting geopolitical pressures on the supply of raw materials and componentry for the delivery of complex energy technologies essential to our Net Zero transition and for a move away from imported energy. There has been a global shift in demand and supply of key technologies and associated materials that ensure the security of our energy industry. The council launched today will help tackle the immediate pressures on the supply of equipment, while looking to the future and how to ensure the longer-term investment needs of the supply chain.
With this comes great opportunity and BEAMA members (manufacturers of energy technologies) say the level of investment needed is achievable, bringing opportunity to re-shore parts of the industry to the UK and create new trading relationships.
The newly formed council is an example of collaboration at its best and the UK energy and contracting sector coming together with government to alleviate pressures on the market.
One of the biggest barriers to investment sited by BEAMA is the availability of people and skills. Manufacturers and raw material suppliers need confidence in future orders and the UK market trajectory to invest in manufacturing capacity, people and places.
BEAMA CEO Dr Howard Porter stated:
‘This is an unprecedented era of change and with mounting pressures on the supply chain we need this level of collaboration across industry and with Government. We will lead this council to ensure the resilience of the electricity equipment supply chain. The current energy crisis and geopolitical pressure placed on the supply chain should not hold back progress to meet our Net Zero targets, but we should see this as an opportunity to invest in low carbon tech industries, this includes the manufacturing sectors BEAMA represents.’

Randolph Brazier, Director of Innovation & Electricity Systems at Energy Networks Association (ENA), which represents the UK network operators, said:
“ENA welcome the launch of the Electricity Supply Chain Council. Collaboration is key. By working together, with a strong and resilient supply chain at the core of our thinking and strategic investment plans in place, energy operators and our partners can help deliver green jobs and the smarter, more flexible energy system that is essential to delivering the UK’s Net Zero goals.”
Dai Richards, Director of External Affairs, Hitachi Energy stated:
“The launch of the council comes at a critical time for the UK’s electricity sector, which is balancing the issues of short term energy costs and security with the substantial benefits that flow from expanding the UK’s low cost and abundant renewable energy resources. The council will play a vital role in shaping the urgent actions required to both, ensure that the UK retains the unprecedented economic opportunity that decarbonisation of the electricity system presents and also ensure the supply chain is resilient enough to deliver our net zero commitments and help tackle climate change.”

Pamela Bingham, CEO, Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation commented:
“As tackling climate change becomes increasingly urgent, manufacturers are assessing the investment and supply chain capacity required to deliver on the UK’s net zero commitments.
We support the aims of this Council and believe it will be fundamental in facilitating engagement between the electricity supply chain and government. Clear communication here will ensure commitment to long-term policy decisions, creating the confidence needed to attract investment and build local capacity, secure jobs and deliver on net zero.”
According to Steve Bratt, CEO of leading electrical contractors’ body ECA:
"Increased collaboration between the electrical product supply chain and the businesses that design, install and maintain products and systems will deliver effective and sustainable solutions for the UK energy sector and the wider marketplace.
"It’s now vital that we increase the number of skilled installation contractors to ensure the successful deployment of electrical energy solutions at scale. This will provide major benefits to clients in the energy sector and beyond, and help government and industry to meet the UK’s NZC targets."
BEAMA's Growing the Supply Chain for Net Zero Energy System report
Evidence for the development of this council stemmed from work published by BEAMA and the Energy Systems Catapult earlier this year. This has further been supported by a recent publication by Siemens Energy.
Membership of the UK Electricity Products Supply Chain Council
The Energy Industries Council
Energy Networks Association (ENA)
Energy UK
Renewable UK
British Standards Institute
Energy Systems Catapult
ECA (Electrical Contractors' Association)
Department for International Trade
Electrical Distributors Association (EDA)
British Cables Association (BCA)
Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy