Today's Agenda
Program and running order for the day.
9.30am-10.00am Registration, tea and coffee
10.00am -12.00pm BEAMA Annual conference
10:00 – 10:10 am Opening address – BEAMA CEO Yselkla Farmer and BEAMA President Erika Wilson, Wilson Power Solutions
10:10am – 10:20am - Keynote address - Nick Winser CBE - Electricity Networks Commissioner
10:20am - 11:25am - Panel session: Building on the First 100 Days: The roadmap to a clean energy system by 2030
BEAMA members and industry leaders address key solutions for driving green growth in the market, supporting the 2030 target and the supply chain’s priorities for the Labour Government’s agenda. A review of progress so far.
Panelists include:
- Nick Winser CBE - Electricity Networks Commissioner
- Richard Earl – EO Charging
- Rowena Rodrigues – Glen Dimplex
- Mike Thompson - National Energy System Operator
- Eleanor Warburton – OFGEM
- Dhara Vyas – Energy UK
11:25am – 12: 00pm -Fire side chat with BEAMA members – Building retrofit: a pathway for consumers and industry
Facilitated by Andrew Gaved – Lyrical Communications
Discussion between Pete Armstrong of Mixergy , Ruth MacEachern of EnviroVent and Griff Thomas of GTEC Group
12.00pm -13:00pm Drinks reception
12.30pm Address by the Electrical Industry Chairty
13.00pm – 15.00pm Lunch and Industry Awards
2.30pm Industry Award