Fireside Chat Speakers
Ruth MacEachern - Product Manager, EnviroVent
Ruth MacEachern, Product manager at EnviroVent, will be speaking in the Fire side chat with BEAMA members – Building retrofit: a pathway for consumers and industry
Product Manager at EnviroVent Ltd, produces specifications for new products as well as any changes, removals in line with current market trends and regulations. Responsible for product launches, literature and technical documentation for products as well as unpicking changes to regulations and producing training material both internally and externally across a variety of audiences. Graduating in January with a BSc in Building Control which provides a wide variety of knowledge in relation to both current and proposed regulation changes and moving forward towards Net Zero. NICEIC Domestic Ventilation Course tutor.
Pete Armstrong - CEO, Mixergy
Pete Armstrong, CEO of Mixergy, will be speaking in the Fire side chat with BEAMA members – Building retrofit: a pathway for consumers and industry
Andrew Gaved - Editor at Large, elemental and Installer
Andrew Gaved, Editor at Large, elemental and Installer, will be the facilitator of the Fire side chat with BEAMA members – Building retrofit: a pathway for consumers and industry