Manufacturers have growing compliance obligations with regards to environmental impacts of products, components and material use. It is our job to ensure our members are kept up to date on changes to relevant legislation and engage industry in discussions relating to future changes.
Existing regulations we cover include WEEE, plastics and chemicals regulation including REACH, RoHS and Persistent Organic Pollutants.
We are working closely with our European trade associations to deliver on the EU Circular Economy Package and work closely with DEFRA teams to engage on UK regulatory impacts this will have. The recent Resource and Waste Strategy for England clearly outlines the growing pressures that will be placed on industry to work within a more sustainable and circular supply chain. In the short term we are expecting to work on extended producer responsibility for packaging, resource efficiency measures for product design and the growing need for the supply of recycled plastics.
A large part of what BEAMA works on includes the development of international standards for resource efficiency in product design, this includes the repairability, recyclability and reusability of materials and products, and we expect to see much of this delivered through existing regulatory frameworks including Eco Design and Energy Labeling. Our members support the move towards a circular economy and we are working to ensure industry is closely linked to the work being done to ensure these standards are workable at a product design level. We are already seeing how circular economy principals are opening up new market models in the industry which will better service the consumer and market.