T Levels -Net Zero Guidance for DfE on Sector Skills Consultations

12 March 2019

BEIS’s Clean Growth team, as part of its work on net zero, has identified the T levels – DfE’s new flagship technical education programme – as a key way to deliver the skilled workforce we need.

The Engineering & Manufacturing T level covers a broad range of professions including power engineer, design and development engineer, engineering technician, road transport engineering, manufacturing engineering, process automation, and utilities engineering technician, and are regularly updated to reflect new standards and professions within the sector.

The Institute for Apprenticeships and technical Education is carrying out its review of apprenticeship standards underpinning the Engineering and Manufacturing T Levels.   2 key consultation are now open and we are seeking member input as they provide a great opportunity to effectively reflect and promote roles in the low carbon economy and within our sector. 


  1. Opportunity for key stakeholders to input on Engineering & Manufacturing apprenticeship standards (deadline 8 January). Please see here.

This consultation asks questions about the current occupational map for our sector – download here – and whether these are complete and identify any skills that may not be suitable to develop into T levels or apprenticeships. This is a great opportunity to have a say on the suitability of the current standards in driving the right skills into our industry. The consultation goes into some detail to review individual standard and asks for industry’s experience in implementing different apprenticeships and how effective they have been and whether there are areas for improvement.  The consultation is set up as an online survey so it is more applicable for companies to respond individually, and I have copied the questions out into a word document attached to help members digest the type of questions being asked before replying online.

questions from online survey 

While this consultation is more tailored to individual company responses BEAMA are keen to capture your overall concerns or comments so we can report to BEIS and the department for education on this.  We know from members there are potential skills gaps in our sector and we want to try and capture as best we can how we can tackle these. Please send your comments to [email protected]  by 6th January 

  1. Opportunity for stakeholders to input on the T level content for i) Manufacturing and process and ii) Design and development (not yet live)

The Outline Content for these T levels will be open for consultation between 3 December and 7 January. Please see here.