SAP Workshop

30 November 2018

The second SAP Workshop organised by Robust Details took place on November 26 at NHBC. BEAMA was represented through Colin Timmins and Adrian Regueira-Lopez, in addition to several members from the Heating and Ventilation portfolio groups.

The workshop focused on the changes in SAP following the publication of SAP 10.0 in July 2018 and the upcoming revision of Building Regulations Part L. It included updates from BEIS, MHCLG, Robust Details (including SAPIF) and an assessment of the main changes in SAP 10 and their impact on the different building services and dwelling compliance (modelling). The highlights are below:

  • The Part L consultation will take place in Spring, with the new regulations to be ready in October 2019. After a six month transition period, they will come into force in March/April 2020.
  • MHCLG did not confirm whether Part F will be revised in parallel to Part L.
  • The energy performance target will be moved to primary energy, as opposed to carbon emissions. Carbon emissions may also be used alongside primary energy, but this is yet to be decided. This comes from the Energy Performance for Buildings Directive, which establishes primary energy as the main metric. This will have an impact on SAP calculations, negative for electricity using products and positive for fuel appliances.
  • There will be an uplift in standards for new and existing homes (when carrying out work).
  • Overheating will have an enhanced role in the consultation and Criterion 3 of ADL will be revised – this might affect ventilation but it should primarily affect building design (e.g. overhangs, shading, etc.)

Members are encouraged to use the SAP 10 software implementation tool to assess how changes in SAP 10 will affect their products (available here). If you have any comments, please contact [email protected].