Report from the second meeting of the SAP Industry Forum

30 November 2018

Following the meeting on October 24, BEAMA secured the leading role in the Smart controls, technologies and tariffs and the Indoor air quality and ventilation (together with the RVA) workstreams. In addition, BEAMA will be represented in the Domestic hot water workstream.

Robust Details, BRE and BEIS have produced the terms of reference for these workstreams, which establish the following objectives:

  • To establish the state of the art, sources of information and basic explanations of the technologies/systems expected to be mature in the mid-2020s.
  • To propose some modelling criteria for the performance of the technologies and secondly how compliance could be judged at both product and dwelling level.
  • If government decides to include recognition of the technology or system in SAP11, to work with government and the SAP contractor to develop the details. Note that the inclusion of any technology in a WG does not mean that it will necessarily be included in a future version of SAP.

Input from members into areas the workstreams should focus is welcome. The minutes of the meeting and the Terms of Reference of the workstreams can be found below. If you have any comments, please contact [email protected].