Report from the second meeting of the SAP Industry Forum 1

06 March 2019

Following the meeting on October 24, the SAP Industry Forum met on March 6 to discuss progress from the different working groups. The objectives of the working groups are to establish the state of the art, sources of information, explanations and modelling criteria of the technologies/systems expected to be mature in the mid-2020s. The list of the different working groups is below:

  • Domestic Hot Water (BEAMA participation)
  • Smart controls, technologies and tariffs (BEAMA lead)
  • Home energy storage (heat and electricity)
  • Overheating (including prevention and cooling)
  • Indoor air quality and ventilation (BEAMA co-lead)

The presentation slides used during the meeting, which include an update from each working group, are attached below. Further meetings are expected throughout the year to further progress work to date.

Input from members regarding areas the workstreams should focus on is welcome. The minutes of the meeting can also be found below. If you have any comments, please contact [email protected].