Parliament adopts the Renewable Energy Sources Directive (RES)

18 December 2018

The Parliament adopted the Renewable Energy Sources Directive during the plenary session on December 13. The main new provisions are:

  • The headline target for renewable energy for 2030 is 32%, with an upwards review clause for 2023
  • Target for renewables in transport sector set at 14% (in order to push for electric vehicles).
  • Member States should increase the share of renewable energy for heating and cooling by 1.3% annually for the period of 2021-2025, for the period covering 2026-2030 the calculation will be based on the level reached in 2020.
  • Phase-out of palm oil biofuel use in transport  by 2030, and freeze of biofuels from food crops to 2020 levels.
  • RES self-consumption; small renewable energy installations (less than 30 KW) will be exempted from paying grid charges – although certain exemptions are foreseen.

The next step is for the Council to adopt the final text, and the publication in the Official Journal is foreseen for early 2019. For further details you may see here the press releases from the Parliament and the Commission.