National Grid ESO Bridging the Gap flexibility tracker now live

15 July 2022

National Grid ESO are delighted to announce their FES (Future Energy Scenarios) Bridging the Gap flexibility tracker is now live and visible on their website.

It can be viewed HERE

Becky Hart, Stragegic Engagement Manager of National Grid ESO summarised the project.

Back in March, our 2022 Bridging the Gap project culminated in two reports about how a flexible energy system can operate in 2035. One report tracked a winter’s day in 2035, showing how we can keep the lights on and meet the target of operating a fully decarbonised electricity system. The other report outlined the timeline to the achieving the requisite flexibility for 2035, showing the milestones and actions needed along the way. As part of the project we committed to monitoring those actions for more flexibility, many of which come from existing plans and work programmes from across industry, so that we all have an overview of how we’re progressing towards achieving the 2035 target. The first tracker has just been published, with a summary infographic and a more detailed report giving an update on the actions out to 2025. We will continue to track progress on a six monthly basis, so keep an eye out for the next one early in the new year.