BEIS announces additional innovation funding competitions

24 May 2022

The BEIS Flexibility Innovation Programme looks to support innovative solutions to enable large-scale widespread electricity system flexibility. More competitions were launched on Monday, details here:

The 2021 Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan and Energy Digitalisation Strategy identified key BEIS policy priorities to enable the transition to a smart, flexible and decarbonised energy system.

To support the transition, the Flexibility Innovation Programme seeks to enable large-scale widespread electricity system flexibility through smart, flexible, secure, and accessible technologies and markets. Up to £65 million will be made available. This overarching programme will fund innovation across a range of key smart energy applications.

The Flexibility Innovation Programme is part of the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio and forms a substantial part of a commitment set out in the Prime Minister’s 10 point plan for a green industrial revolution, to invest at least £100 million on energy storage and flexibility innovation challenges.

New activities under the Flexibility Innovation Programme will be launched over 2022. BEIS held an update event on 5 April to provide further information on the Programme and its innovation activities which can be viewed at the linked website.