Independent review of Electricity Engineering Standards Review Launch event

26 February 2021

Join the experts behind the recent independent review of engineering standards in electricity, and senior BEIS and Ofgem representatives, for insight into its recommendations and next steps.

On the 5th of March from 10am-1pm we will be hosting an online launch event for the Independent Review into electrical engineering standards.

The Panel’s report made a series of recommendations both to improve value to consumers in the short term, and to enable a net zero ready electricity system.   Published alongside the Energy White Paper in December the work has been well-received and work is underway progressively to implement its findings.

This launch event will allow you to hear more from:

  • the Panel members, who will unpack and explain key findings and recommendations, and
  • from Joanna Whittington, Director General of Energy and Security at BEIS, and a senior representative from Ofgem, who will set out how the work supports the wider context set out in the Energy White Paper, the 10 Point Plan and Ofgem’s recently published calls for a net zero-focussed independent energy system operator

There will be plenty of opportunity for wider questions and debate.

Please register to join the event here:

The Panel's report is available here: