Improving the UK's Extended Producer Responsibility Regime for batteries

17 March 2020

The Joint trade Association, of which BEAMA is a member,  has developed the attached paper outlining how best to improve the UKs Extended Producer Responsibility Regime for batteries.  Also, in view of the consultation expected on the review of batteries regulations we’ve also given some thought to how the overall system might be improved. In some areas, our recommendations are supportive of closer alignment between household WEEE and batteries for e.g. the use of a compliance fee mechanism (in the short term), use of substantiated estimates and obligation calculation.

We are reaching out to members regarding a request from DEFRA for comment on whether we see parallels with household WEEE and industrial /automotive batteries and by extension if we would be supportive of closer alignment between the two?  This is in light of the review of the existing extended producer responsibility scheme for batteries and in view of a consultation expect on the review of batteries regulations overall. 

We are keen to share this ongoing work and please send any feedback to [email protected]  in the mean time we continue to track the ongoing EU and UK work regarding the review of batteries regulation and will keep embers informed as more details come to light from DEFRA and the formal consultation that we expect in the spring/summer.