General Approach Agreed for RED

19 December 2017

On 18 December, the Energy Council adopted the General Approach on the review of the RES Directive . The main elements of this position are:

  • Binding EU target of at least 27% renewable energy of its overall energy consumption by 2030.
  • Facilitating and enhancing consumers' use of renewables is a key element.
  • Simplified notification procedures for small-scale installations.
  • Indicative annual 1 % point increase of the share of renewable energy in heating and cooling. The Council position takes into account the existing differences between national systems and installations across the EU. In particular, it reflects the specific characteristics  of 'cooling' installations in warmer climates.
  • In the transport sector, the renewable target for 2030 is set at 14% for each member state, and there is a sub-target of 3% for ‘advanced biofuels’.
  • Member states will have the possibility of opening up their national support schemes to generators of renewable energy in other member states.