Final agreement reached on Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)
21 June 2018
On June 19, the institutions (EU Commission, Council and Parliament) announced they had reached an agreement for the EED (see press release here), although the final compromise text has not been released yet. Below are the highlights of the new agreement:
- The headline target for energy efficiency for 2030 is 32.5%
- The Directive includes a default Primary Energy Factor (PEF) of 2.1 (replacing current 2.5), which is close to our desired 2.0. Moreover, the PEF will be reviewed every 4 years.
- The agreement extends the annual energy saving obligation beyond 2020
- It allows for consumers to receive more frequent and useful information on their energy consumption by strengthening the rules on individual metering and billing provisions
- Member States will be required to develop transparent, and publicly available national rules on the allocation of the cost of heating, cooling and hot water consumption in multi-apartment and multi-purpose buildings with collective systems for such services