DRAFT PAS 7100 Code of Practice product safety related recalls

05 October 2017

Consumer product safety related recalls and other corrective actions: Part I Code of practice for business Part II Guidance for regulators


Part 1 sets out a code of good practice for monitoring, assessing, notifying and correcting unsafe products, including through a recall or other corrective action if required with emphasis on the preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP), in advance of actual need. The code also provides guidance on activities required should a need for corrective action arise.

Part 2 sets out guidance for regulators on the assistance that should be available to businesses to support them in meeting their responsibilities in respect of issues or potential issues that arise which involve consumer product safety.

The code provides practical guidance for businesses and does not replace or override any of the legal duties to which businesses are subject.

Comments to Raj Vagdia by 20 October 2017.