Consultation outcome: UK REACH extending submission deadlines for transitional registrations

01 December 2022

Defra recently ran a consultation regarding extending the current UK REACH deadlines for businesses to submit dossiers for transitional registrations and the dates for the HSE to carry out compliance checks on 20% of registration dossiers. The consultation ran from the 5th of July to the 1st of September 2022 seeking views from interested parties on options presented.

The consultation details along with the orignal consultation documentation can be found here.

In summary the responses have indicated that secondary legislation should be brought forward to extend the UK REACH submission deadlines by 3 years. It is acknowledged that this will reduce the burden on businesses and not diminish the level of protection to human health or the environment.

The UK REACH Regulation contains transitional provisions to reduce the disruption to industry as they moved to the new regime from EU REACH. These provisions allow companies to submit initial ‘notification’ data in order to continue trading and then subsequently provide the full registration data. The transitional provisions apply to those that were registrants, downstream users or distributors under EU REACH before UK REACH came into effect. 

The new deadlines will be:

  • 27 October 2026 for substances included on the EU REACH candidate list before UK REACH came into effect; substances that are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction and manufactured or imported in quantities of 1 tonne a year or more; substances that are very toxic to aquatic life and manufactured or imported in quantities of 100 tonnes or more a year; and all substances manufactured or imported in quantities of 1,000 tonnes or more a year

  • 27 October 2028 for substances added to the UK REACH candidate list before the 2023 submission deadline; and all substances manufactured or imported in quantities of 100 tonnes or more a year

  • 27 October 2030 for all substances manufactured or imported in quantities of 1 tonne or more a year

The UK Government summary of responses to the consultation and their response can be found here.

If there are any questions regarding this consultation or REACH in general, please contact [email protected]