CE marking and conformity assessment

12 February 2020

During the transition period, the requirements for placing CE marked goods on the UK and EU markets will remain the same as now. This includes the arrangements for conformity assessment, marking and labelling. If you currently use a UK Notified Body, you can continue to do so during this period.

The UKCA marking, which is intended to indicate compliance with UK rules in the same way the CE marking does for EU rules, will not come into effect during the implementation period. The CE marking will continue to be required, however BEIS have clarified businesses can still place the UKCA marking on their products as long as the CE marking is also used.

For further information on using the CE marking, please refer to the following guidance: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/ce-marking

The previous proposal for a UKCA mark were set out under the no-deal planning, and we await confirmation of the UK Government’s position on these future arrangements as they will be applied at the end of the transition period, this will be dependant on negotiations with the EU

BEIS are now gathering evidence on the future CE marking and conformity assessment system to exist following the transition period.  This is an important opportunity for BEAMA member companies to input into their evidence gathering which will inform their final position. 


If you have any questions about goods regulation, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].