BEAMA Policy Recommendations for the next UK Government

21 June 2024

In advance of the General Election on 4th July, BEAMA has set out four policy priorities for the next UK Government. By focusing on issues that are already in progress or were planned, we are recommending achievable policy changes that a new Government can pick up quickly to give momentum to the net zero transition for the benefit of consumers and industry. Critically, all these measures can help to supercharge economic growth, which will be the focus for new Ministers. By harnessing progress already made to decarbonisation and by urgently addressing the challenges that remain, we could see a post-election surge to make progress solving the energy trilemma of decarbonisation, affordability and security.

Our four priorities for the early days of the next Government are:

  1. Grid investment – continue and expand the DESNZ Networks Delivery Forum approach to improve investment in electricity networks and UK manufacturing
  2. Electricity markets – launch the consultation that had been promised on lowering the price of electricity to improve the benefits of low carbon technologies
  3. Levelling the playing field for heating technologies – reform VAT relief and the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to expand scope to other low carbon electric heat solutions but simplify processes
  4. Getting smart metering right – get the smart meter rollout back on track urgently so it is completed and ready to support the net zero transition

You can see more detail by downloading the document from this page.

We will be sending more details and policy reviews to Ministers and officials on the 5th July. For any queries or comments please contact [email protected].