BEAMA Guide - Coordination between design current of an installation and rated currents in Panelboards, Switchboards and Motor Control Centres (BS EN IEC 61439-2)
11 January 2022
This Guide provides guidance on coordination between design current of an installation and rated currents in Panelboards, Switchboards and Motor Control Centres conforming to BS EN IEC 61439 -2 and on how the coordination between the assembly current ratings and those of the electrical installation can effectively and reliably be achieved.
With the release of Edition 3 of BS EN IEC 61439-2 there is a significant change in the way in which the current rating of circuits within an assembly are defined. This provides an opportunity for greater optimisation between the performance of a low-voltage assembly and the needs of an electrical installation. To fully realise these benefits, the requirements of the electrical installation must be clearly identified and defined in the assembly specification. The rating of circuits within low-voltage assemblies can be defined by any one of several currents. Therefore, a clear understanding of how these relate to each other and to the electrical installation by those who determine the arrangement of the assembly is essential.
BS EN IEC 61439-2 applies to products commonly referred to as: Switchboards, Panel boards and Motor Control Centres.
This document provides guidance on how the coordination between the assembly current ratings and those of the electrical installation can effectively and reliably be achieved.