BEAMA Briefing Pack for incoming Government

04 July 2024

We have prepared a significant briefing pack (attached) that will be sent to civil servants tomorrow, and new Ministers when they are appointed. This works as both an introduction to our industry, positioning our membership as important economic actors and experts in our industry, as well as a review of policy issues not completed under the previous Government that will need to be picked up whoever wins the election. It also links to many recent publications we have developed with our membership setting out more proactive policy proposals that we will continue to advocate for, beyond the immediate practical issues that we have highlighted. We look forward to working with members as we get policy announcements coming through from the new administration to make sure your voices are heard – stay tuned for a fresh opportunity to engage with our policy work when we announce this in the next few days. You can find our briefing pack on this (NB this will be reformatted with the order being changed for each departmental team to make it most relevant to them).