Electricity Networks Infrastructure

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BEAMA as the trade association representing the electrotechnical network supply chain supports the accelerated development electricity networks and their sustainable and digital transformation. Members of BEAMA’s ENI group are instrumental to manufacturing, innovating, and supplying smart systems for the efficient transmission and distribution of electricity. These technologies and services future-proof the grid and make clean electricity accessible to all. 

BEAMA’s access to Government, representation on key groups and panels and strong collaborative links give us the influence industry needs to succeed in this time of unprecedented growth.  

We represent our members on the Ministerially chaired Electricity Networks Delivery Forum which is in turn supported by a forum that focuses on networks supply chain issues – our own Electricity Products Supply Chain Council Networks Forum. We also represent our members on the NESO Strategic Energy Planning Industry Working Group as well as on numerous national and international standards committees. We are members of T&D Europe, the European trade association for grid technology providers.  

The work programme of the group is led by members. Current activities focus on the following areas:  

  • Supply chain capacity and growth: working with Ofgem and DESNZ on the actions required to implement the Clean Power 2030 and Net Zero by 2050 targets. This includes promoting network regulation that enables visibility and confidence for the supply chain to invest and grow 
  • Skills and workforce – collaborating to tackle the skills gap 
  • Industrial strategy – policies to promote growth in the UK 
  • Digitalisation of networks and cyber security: working with Government, Ofgem and network companies to promote the adoption of digital innovation and ensure our networks are cyber secure 
  • Sustainable and low-carbon electricity networks – promoting an SF6 free grid and environmental reporting practices aligned with industry best practice 
  • International and national product standards 

Beyond these topics core to the ENI sector, BEAMA offers wider services relevant to grid technology providers, notably  

  • Support for decarbonising business, reporting environmental impacts to customers, and collaborating with the wider industry on sustainability challenges 
  • Digital transformation – how to digitalise product information and harness the power of digital technologies and innovation for your business 

 BEAMA's Electricity Networks Infrastructure Product Area's 

 Key Publications

“ The UK has ambitious plans to de-carbonise the energy system by 2050 with specific focus on transforming our ageing electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure into a modern low carbon smart system. This smart system needs to be capable of meeting the increased demand and flexibility created by the development of renewable energy technologies, the installation of large volumes of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the massive programme for the installation of electrified heat. BEAMA is leading industry work with Government and the regulator to develop policies that can deliver the platform for our future electricity system. In the current regulated price control period and beyond we will be working with network operators to help them deliver against their RIIO objectives and lay the foundations for further investment in new T&D infrastructure up to 2030 and beyond to the ultimate 2050 goal.””

Dr Laura Dye

Head of Electricity Networks Infrastructure