Technical Sustainability Committee (TeSC)

Advancing sustainability within our industry

BEAMA’s Technical Sustainability Committee (TeSC) is dedicated to managing activities, projects and positions to ensure consistency and comparability in technical areas related to Net Zero, sustainability, and the circular economy.

Our scope includes standards, best practice and technical memoranda, covering:

  • Creating and updating essential documents to enable comparability and consistency in our Net Zero, sustainability and circular transition efforts.
  • Reviewing relevant industry standards that support TeSC’s goals.
  • Promoting best practices to ensure the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness across the BEAMA membership.


What We Do

To meet our goals, TeSC focuses on:

  • Barriers to change: Addressing key areas (as highlighted by members) that are barriers to consistent and comparable practices.
  • Creating Task & Finish Groups: Tackling specific tasks for swift progress on key initiatives.
  • Responding to the latest developments: Ensuring our members’ voices are heard in the development of professional documents, such as technical memorandums, standards, and industry initiatives.
  • Engage with Partners: Collaborate with other trade associations, government and third-parties to ensure a consistent and coordinated approach across the sector.


How to Get Involved

  • For BEAMA Members:
    • You can join TeSC by registering your interest HERE.
  • For Non-Members:
    • If you have a project or relevant development that TeSC could collaborate on, provide feedback for, or offer commentary on, please get in touch with us.

By working together, together, we can lead the way in creating a sustainable and innovative future for our industry.