We support our members in ensuring that the UK has a strong electrotechnical industry that is recognised as an essential part of modern society and brings invaluable economic, social and environmental benefits.

Our Vision
To ensure and establish:
- A market for safe, secure, and compliant products.
- A prosperous export market for our members.
- A strong investment environment for electrification technologies.
- A low carbon, smart and flexible energy system.

Our Mission
- To be the first port of call for industry, media and Government regarding the pathway to electrification for a Net Zero future.
- To provide leadership, expertise and independent influence in the areas of Net Zero product safety, performance, energy efficiency and sustainability.
- To support member companies in understanding how legislation, regulation and standardisation will affect their day to day business so they can invest and act appropriately.
- To lead the development of a market for sustainable products and uphold the integrity of our industry, supporting our community of members to achieve their Net Zero corporate responsibilities and goals.
- To serve the needs of the industry as the leading trade association by proactively developing and influencing the content of technical standards and regulation.
- To drive and influence National, European and International standards on safety and performance and influence conformity assessment and accreditation policy